Yes just arm everyone everywhere and oh yes be sure we’re all trained. This is completely insane legislation.

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Great questions. I have thought of many of these myself. Students seem to have a way of getting into things they shouldn't.

My building's security system failed and our district security is so short staffed. My school was recently broken into and vandalized, including my classroom. School security is important, but we don't need to arm teachers.

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Soo, the shooter walks into the classroom, lunchroom, library, gym, hallway, restroom, wherever, takes aim, and starts firing while the school employee (only one because due to necessary budget cuts (another issue) there are fewer people on the payroll) is fumbling for the key to the locked desk drawer, closet, gun case, locker, whatever, loads the weapon, takes aim, and says "Stop or I'll shoot", or simply aims and shoots -- hopefully not so nervous that the ammo strikes one of the others in the room who are now screaming and running in panic mode? Most likely the first person the shooter knows has the gun will be his first victim. And, one more thing: How well does the .38, unloaded and locked in a desk drawer hold up against the shooter's AR-15, already fully loaded and aimed? I apologize for rambling. I do tend to overreact , "get carried away", where guns are concerned. Feel free to delete.

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Always loved your columns. Glad to follow you here.

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I appreciate your view, as a teacher. The way I read the bill in the paper, it was my understanding that it would be required in districts greater than 8,000 students. I’d also like to know if this will be public knowledge as I will no longer volunteer at schools with armed employees.

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Your perspective reminds me of the schools where I worked. Not one legislator will have answers for you. Especially who funds such a program. Beware the Paragraph Stacker - clear thinking and fearless!

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I like that: "Beware the Paragraph Stacker." It feels like the tagline for a 1970s Marvel horror comic.

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I posted this on my FB page. I hope my NRA lovers reflect. Obviously Republican Iowa lawmakers Wil not.

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Good questions, Daniel. I fear we will be paying for years for the madness these legislators have unleashed on our state.

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Daniel, your perspective is so important on this issue.

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This bill will be a fascinating test of the insurance industry's lobbying power versus the pro-gun groups.

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My gut, for what that's worth, says this bill is just genuflecting by the GOP to the gun industry -- a piece of corporate welfare that won't go anywhere. My gut also tells me that even if inacted, about 1% of school distructs would adopt such a plan. But my gut also tells me not to eat raw onions and that Donald Trump will be president again. What does my gut know?

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Hope your gut is wrong , especially about trump. Not sure the Republic could stand another 4 years and not descend into full fascism.

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