Okay, this will sound like a conspiracy but does anyone else think the Heritage Foundation could have a hand in this? Mr. Trump denys knowing anything about their Project 2025 even though his Veep choice, Mr. Vance, helped author it. When Mr. Trump held a huge lead, their was no problem; only after Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Ms. Harris did his ranking begin to slide. It rose a bit after the first assassination attempt but began to slide again as his cognitive skills began to fall. Now comes attempt #2. Both would be assasins are MAGA believers, which causes one to wonder 'why'? It's been my feeling that Mr. Trump's choice of running mate defied logic as four years ago Mr. Vance was saying terrible things about the former President. Could it be Heritage is using Trump to gain the White House, having him die in office opening the way for Vance and since his cognitive decline may cost him the office, eliminate him now? Well, that's just my thoughts and, as they say YMMV.

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Anything is possible, but it seems more likely that some kook with a gun drunk on vitriolic rhetoric tried to make a name for himself.

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Thank you, Daniel. Yes, we must work harder to define who we are and what is important to us as a country. Hopefully, that definition and purpose of, and for, our country will become clear at the ballot box this fall. Hopefully we will choose to move beyond the hate.

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I hope so, but I doubt it.

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