You have consistently and bravely shared your greatest vulnerabilities with us and I thank you for that. We are indeed a cruel species. In spite of others, you continue to find and use strategies that will move you in the direction of health. I truly hope that on your 49th birthday you think of the many reasons that those celebrating with you have chosen you as their friend. And that you do many other things that bring you joy as you have brought joy to others in your 49 years.

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i thoroughly enjoy your writing. Your description of your gradual weight loss with the injection may help other obese folks to discuss this option with their doctor.

Wishing you joy in your 49th year.


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Dear Daniel, I am so glad to hear that you are exercising in the pool and that you feel that it is helping you. I am so proud of you for doing this because I know it is not an easy choice for you to make, but you go to the pool and walk because it helps you and that is all that matters. I hope you enjoy your birthday celebration. You are moving forward - celebrate that! Happy 49th!!

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Keep swimming Daniel. I go to the Davenport YMCA several times a week to do laps and fortunately it is a very welcoming place for ALL body types and ages. There are super-fit high school competitive swimmers, chubby hubbies like me, very overweight octogenarians and everything in between and everyone pretty much minds their own business and does their own work.

Keep taking the drugs and doing the work in the pool - it took a LONG TIME to gain weight so of course it will take a long time to lose it.

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Thank you for telling your story. You put yourself out in the world in spite of disrespect, which shows courage. Please keep on doing what you’re doing. Have a happy birthday!

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Dear Daniel - Thank you for telling this story/your story. I love your writing, your honesty and vulnerability. People, including kids, can be so ugly. I’m sorry.

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I hear ya sir. One thing I found works nicely to ease the discomfort of taking off one's shirt, is that they make swim shirts! Woohoo!!! Plus they usually have some sun protection built in!! https://www.amazon.com/s?k=swim+shirts+for+men&crid=1M9RQPWFW1BDJ&sprefix=Swim+shirts%2Caps%2C133&ref=nb_sb_ss_pltr-sample-20_1_11

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