
Honorable people disagree. I agree that President Biden has been a fine president. I do not think he demonstrates mental acuity to continue in the role. The most important thing we can do is defeat Trump. We also agree about racism and sexism effecting Harris’ approval ratings. I do not have much hope for Democrats. They are bad at winning election. The party is practically invisible in Iowa. It seems Americans prefer evil racists to smugness. It’s an odd choice, but we are not a bright people as a collective.

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Jun 29Liked by Daniel P. Finney

I agree it is a discussion Democrats need to have. Joe Biden has been a very good president. He knows how to make government work for everyone. When he was elected, because of his age then, I assumed he would be a four year bridge to the next generation of leaders. I was wrong and I am disappointed that he is running again. Don’t get me wrong I will vote for Joe Biden if Democrats nominate he and VP Harris. I do fear that trump could beat him and then…….God help us. If that happens it will be the fault of the Democratic party.

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Jun 29Liked by Daniel P. Finney

I don’t think Biden will get out of the race. And I think the “higher up Dem” know that. Also, there is not a consensus on who the nominee would be, and that in itself would be messy. The debate was a disaster for Biden, and those watching and involved in politics know that. The general public doesn’t know it as much as “the news junkies” however. The one good thing is that it’s only June, and there is time to leave this behind. Trump will be sentenced on July 11 in NYC trial. There might also be other things happening prior to November. Trump must never come near the Oval Office again. He is a clear and present danger to democracy. Read his ideas in Project 2025. The candidates are going to be Biden vs Trump and I’ll be voting Biden. Remember— “you’ve got to play the hand you’ve been dealt”. God have mercy upon America.

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Oh, I agree. We are stuck with these two men. That’s why this column is a fantasy. Republicans love their racism strongman. And Democrats are left helpless to watch Biden be pummeled by the cheap bully. Sadly, I expect the Supreme Court to make Trump immune from prosecution on Monday.

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I like Knobuchar. I wish she had done better four years ago.

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Jun 29Liked by Daniel P. Finney

I'm very afraid of the outcome if either of them are elected.

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I think it will definitely be worse for the world if Trump wins, but Biden might face a 25th Amendment crisis.

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Respectfully I disagree. President Biden’s tenure in WH has been transformative and progressive. Typically VP’s approval rates are low because most voters don’t pay attention to what they do on the background. VP Harris has been very busy on the campaign trail, being the emissary she’s supposed to be has his VP. There’s also an enormous amount of resistance because of misogyny and racism.

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This is definitely not a column to share. Shallow thinking in a convoluted story.

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You’re not required to share it. You’re not even required to read it.

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These are facts. They are facts which benefit you. If you don’t like my ideas on a subject, feel free to ignore them. Most people do.

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And most writers do not get so defensive about criticism. I usually have enjoyed your work and yours is the only Substack that I am decided to be a paid subscriber. As you know the email that you send with your article invites readers to share. That was what prompted my first comment. Then your reactive comment baited me. Here you say, “these are facts.” Your column says “This is fantasy of course.” Maybe some day your hypothesis from your fantasy story could become facts, but not now.

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All writers are defense and most insecure. I am no different. The facts I referred to were not the article in question, which admits it is unrealistic fantasy, but that you are neither required to read nor share what I write. Not everything I write will be something with which you agree. While I appreciate your subscription, I do not chase shares. That’s the job of people who who work for corporate access media. That crowd threw me out more than four years ago. I’m not going to chase clicks and shares again. I like that I make a little money from writing. It helps soothe the ache of no longer being able to make my living as a writer, the skill at which I spent most of my school years and adult life developing. You argue that this column is “shallow thinking.” I disagree, but I have said all I need to say on the topic. I responded to you because your note struck me as intentionally hurtful. Normally, I wouldn’t respond, but some days I am grumpier than usual and more sensitive than usual. The result is a lengthy exchange that has benefited neither of us. For that, I apologize.

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I appreciate your perspective

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